Effective: September 13, 2019

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Schneider-Kreuznach is introducing its first Full Spectrum Graduated Neutral Density filters. (FSND)
Graduated neutral density filters are used in photography to darken an overly bright part of a scene, such as the sky. Even at high densities, Full Spectrum ND filters from Schneider-Kreuznach reduce the amount of light in the visible spectrum and near infrared so that there is no color cast in the image.
Schneider-Kreuznach Full Spectrum Graduated NDs are designed so the shading of the filter follows the natural shading of the sky, allowing a more even exposure of the image. The ND coating is enclosed between two crystal-clear sheets of glass, protecting it against the wear and tear of production. The entire FSND filter line is color matched and can be used in combination with each other.
The new Schneider-Kreuznach Graduated FSND Filters begin shipping January 2020 and start at $549 USD. They are available in 4×5.65” and 6.6×6.6” sizes, soft and hard edges, and 5 densities from ND .3 – 1.5.
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In the US please contact local dealers or call NY 631-761-5000, or in CA 818-748-3369