Vinten Radamec APS Pedestal Positioning System

Vinten Radamec APS Pedestal Positioning System

Vinten Radamec APS Pedestal Positioning System

Vinten Radamec APS Pedestal Positioning System

Vinten Radamec APS Pedestal Positioning System

Valley Cottage, NY, Aug. 28, 2012 – Vinten Radamec®, part of Vitec Videocom, a Vitec Group company and world leader in robotic camera support systems, introduces a revolutionary robotic camera pedestal positioning system, APS (Absolute Positioning System). The APS system seamlessly integrates with Vinten Radamec’s Fusion robotic pedestals, delivering unrivalled positional accuracy and operational flexibility never before possible with free-roaming robotic camera support pedestals.

An APS equipped Fusion pedestal no longer relies on the need to navigate to, and get its initial position from—a floor target or tile. Instead, it detects unobtrusive, passive retro-reflective targets placed in the studio environment using a scanning laser-based measurement system. This allows operators to free up valuable studio floor space where once a floor target was sited, and removes the need to go through time-consuming targeting operation before you start a show or when switching from using the pedestal in full-manual mode.

“Our APS positioning system removes all the operational overhead associated with targeting pedestals using a floor target,” said Philip Dalgoutte, Product Manager at Vinten Radamec.  “It is completely transparent to the operator, automatically detecting its absolute position within the studio environment and providing constant navigation correction to the pedestal’s core dead-reckoning navigation system. If the APS system is not able to detect enough targets to determine its position, it will seamlessly switch back to using dead-reckoning until it is able to re-establish its absolute position.”

APS is available as both a factory-fit option on the Fusion FP-188 pedestal, or as an upgrade for existing FP-188 or FP-145 pedestals. Vinten Radamec has developed a novel range of unobtrusive targets that can be customized by the customer to color-match their existing studio environment or particular elements of the set.

Photo caption: Vinten Radamec’s APS robotic pedestals employ rotating lasers that scan a 270 degree arc to a distance of over 60’ for targets to triangulate it’s absolute position in the studio.


About Vinten Radamec
Vinten Radamec is a leading provider of robotic camera support systems offering engineering excellence and globally supported solutions for a wide range of technologies and markets. Its extensive range of products includes robotic heads, pedestals and controllers suitable for studio, OB and legislative environments.  Recognized for some of the most innovative broadcast robotics in the world, Vinten Radamec has a worldwide customer support network and distribution infrastructure, and an industry leading research and development program.

Vinten Radamec solutions take a seamless role in the broader automated environment and thereby increase the flexibility of systems to take advantage of the economic and operational benefits of robotic cameras.

Vinten Radamec solutions take a seamless role in the broader automated environment and thereby increase the flexibility of systems to take advantage of the economic and operational benefits of robotic cameras.

®Vinten Radamec Broadcast Robotics is a registered trademark of The Vitec Group plc.

For more information on Vinten Radamec, visit

For more information:

US PR Contact
Susan Lewis
Lewis Communications
[email protected]

Vinten Radamec Contact
Lesley Hoyle
+44(0)1284 776788
[email protected]