SACHTLER artemis Cine HD Pro Gets High Marks from Operator John Moyer

SACHTLER artemis Cine HD Pro Gets High Marks from Operator John Moyer

John "Buzz" Moyer uses artemis Cine HD Pro

John "Buzz" Moyer uses artemis Cine HD Pro

Sachtler artemis Cine HD Pro Gets High Marks from Operator John Moyer

Shelton, Connecticut, December 6 , 2013 — Pittsburg-based John “Buzz” Moyer is one of the lucky ones–An in-demand Steadicam operator, he’s often on the road shooting high-profile features and television series. Recently, he upped his creativity by adding Sachtler’s artemis Cine HD Pro to his shooting tools.

The first shot Moyer did with Cine HD was a brisk POV that turned into an over the shoulder of an actress moving through an office doorway towards a desk. “Having never practiced with or tweaked the sled, I was a bit nervous, but that subsided quickly, take after take,” he says. “The stability of the tracking and the solidity of the lock off was immediately noticeable.

“The system is tight, clean, rugged, and almost infinitely adjustable for different ride characteristics whether it be Cadillac/Battleship or Ferrari mode,” he explains. “The hot swappable battery configurations and Hi Cap wiring aide in efficient power distribution and the ability to use Anton Bauer Dionic 90s for a long period of time with F65 or ALEXA cameras. And the multiple positioning monitor bracket allows the monitor to ride in line with the batteries for more efficient dynamic balance.”

“I smile, knowing I made a great choice with the artemis,” he adds. “We decided to increase the length of a crane shot a few weeks ago on the feature I’m now working on and a makeshift platform was built for the crane. Because of the logistics of the location, the base of the crane couldn’t be placed in the optimal spot. The original plan was completely changed and it made the exit point a bit of a tight place to work.

“As I walked to step on the crane before the rehearsal, I reached down, and set the batteries and monitor vertically to give me maximum room to clear my knee. I even flipped a switch (configurable power distribution) and removed the rear most battery for more clearance. I trimmed the camera as I was raising it up and was ready for the actors to hit the start mark. Not bad. I couldn’t have done that with my old sled.

“On this feature, I’ve found myself doing crane drop offs, dolly step offs, ATV hard mounts, Grip Trix hard mounts, Dolly hard mounts, rain heat, running shots, stairs – all-nighters– and even straddling a toilet in a bathroom set stall. The artemis Cine HD Pro has always worked without issue – and I expect it to stay that way.”

For more information visit or contact: Sachtler, 16 Progress Drive, Shelton CT 06484, Phone: 1 203-929-1100, Fax: 203-925-2684, Email: [email protected]


About Sachtler
Sachtler, founded in 1958 by cameraman Wendelin Sachtler, is a worldwide market leader for professional camera support systems for cinematography and television production, its name a symbol of top quality and reliability for decades. With an extensive range of camera support systems as well as a finely modulated product line of reportage lighting, Sachtler is the highly qualified partner for broadcast and film applications. Since 2000 Sachtler has been offering the artemis modular camera stabilizer system. With its numerous workshops and training sessions, the Wendelin Sachtler Academy has become a top address worldwide for invaluable know-how and the exchange of information, creating the ideal international platform for creative talents.  Along with other leading brands in the broadcast and professional videographer industry, Sachtler is part of Vitec Videocom, a Vitec Group company.  For more information on Sachtler, visit

About Vitec Videocom
Vitec Videocom brings together some of the most respected, most innovative and most sought-after brands in the industry. It acts as an endorsing brand for these market-leading broadcast, film and pro video products, encouraging multi-brand system sales and simplifying the way that customers worldwide do business.

Vitec Videocom is an operating division within the Vitec Group, an international business serving customers in the broadcast, photographic and military aerospace and government markets. Vitec is based on strong, well known, premium brands on which its customers rely on worldwide.

Vitec Videocom – innovative products around the camera.

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Susan Lewis
Lewis Communications
[email protected]